Welcome To Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble Studio

Welcome To Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble Studio

Welcome To Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble StudioWelcome To Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble StudioWelcome To Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble Studio


Welcome to Chiffon Fu Guzheng Ensemble Studio web site.  Chiffon Fu  Guzheng Ensemble Studio established in 1998, San Francisco, California,   currently consists of approximately 50 guzheng members.

Each year, throughout Northern California, under the internationally  renowned guzhengist Chiffon Fu, members of the Chiffon Fu Guzheng  Ensemble perform in concerts, community functions, recitals, and special  holiday festivals.  Most of these events are open to public and allow  the audience to enjoy the beautiful sounds of traditional Chinese music.  In addition, the Guzheng Ensemble members enjoy performing live music  on stage.

During the past 14 years, Chiffon Fu and her Guzheng Ensemble have  frequently collaborated with musicians from Taiwan, China, and the  United States to create new music compositions and to promote classical  traditional Chinese music and culture.  

In addition to Chiffon perfoming in concerts, judging competitions and  teaching guzheng, she has dedicated her life to the promotion and to  the preservation of one of the most treasured Chinese musical arts and  to ensuring that the beautiful melodies will continue to flourish for  generations.